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<root>­/­mirrors­/­ftp_klosz_art_pl­/­incoming­/­- - - M-ETHER 2 - - -/New Age Beats - M-ETHER 2.nfo

File size:
6 113 bytes (5.97K)
File date:
2022-06-01 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 82


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  $h'.::::''   " M - e t h e r  2 "                                   d$h
  $h.:::'                                t r a c k   l i s t :        d$h
  d$:''       - 74 min.                                               $$[
  d$::                                   1  pludry                    $$[
  ]$[:        - 13 songs                  2  dream - execution        $$[
  ]$[:                                     3  dream - the gate       ,$$
   $h         - cover included...           4  watching the clouds   ]$$
   $h                                        5  sorceress            ]$$
   d$         - ...also cue file ;]         6  dream - where i'm ?!  d$$
   d$                                      7  andromeda              d$h
   ]$[          e  n  j  o  y  !!         8  river world             d$h
   ]$[                                   9  zimowy czas              $$[
    $h                                    a  happy flower            $$[
    $h                 15.05.2006          b  forgotten hope         $$[
    d$            cts.crm.mxs.shz.xnme      c  dream - unknown      ,$$[
    d$                __________________     d  jak biegnie...      ]$$[
    c$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:                           ]$$[
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